I'm a UC Davis and App Academy graduate. I'm a full-stack developer with a passion for tackling challenging problems through code. I enjoy creating functional, visually appealing applications that provide an excellent user experience. I'm also a technical writer with a passion for writing about web development principles and the latest trends in the industry.
Creative Portfolio
Cracking Leetcode
Hack Friends
My Blog
This is a collection of some of my most viewed articles. Feel free to read through them and reach out to me with topic ideas!
Jul 4, 2022
The Difference Between i++ and ++i in JavaScript
In JavaScript, you can increment a value using i++ or ++i. Both of these operators will increase the value of the variable by one, but they do it slightly differently. Developers often get confused...
Jun 6, 2022
JavaScript Promises: What They Are and How to Use Them
Promises — a new feature that was added to JavaScript in 2015. They are designed to make asynchronous programming easier and more reliable. In this blog post...
Jul 17, 2022
Web Security
Web Security: The Importance of Hashing and Salting Passwords
When it comes to web security, one of the most important aspects is protecting passwords. In this article, we will discuss the importance of hashing and salting passwords. We will also look at how...
Let’s Talk
I'm always open to learn more and collaborate on projects. Don't hesitate to reach out!